机动车安全玻璃(Automotive Safety Glass,俗称汽车大镜)的安全问题往往被大多数车主忽视。汽车制造商在广告中常强调车辆的安全性能,但对于挡风玻璃及其功能的介绍却相对少。
汽车安全玻璃要有两种类型,一种是夹层玻璃,用于前挡风玻璃,另一种是钢化玻璃,用于 后窗和侧窗。 夹层玻璃是由两片玻璃夹着一层名为聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)的塑料中间膜堆叠而成。夹层玻璃虽然容易破裂,但它可以防止碎片在碰撞中飞溅,因此可以避免造成对乘客伤害。这种玻璃同时能承受极端的撞击而不会被异物穿透,提高乘客的安全性。即使夹层挡风玻璃有轻微破损,如小缺口或裂缝,也可以进行修复。 另一种类型是钢化玻璃。它比其他标准玻璃更坚硬、更结实,通常强度是普通玻璃的十倍。钢化玻璃一旦破碎,会变成成千上万块不锋利的碎片,即使掉到人身上也不会造成严重伤害。然而,遗憾的是,一旦破碎,钢化玻璃无法修复,唯一的解决办法是更换。钢化玻璃主要用于汽车行业 的后窗和车门窗。
资料来源: 美国汽车玻璃安全委员会

靶心/牛眼(Bull's Eye)石头印
Damage marked by a detached cone on the outer glass layer resulting in a dark circle with an impact point.
这种类型的挡风玻璃损伤通常呈圆形。裂缝的冲击形状明显 — 就像靶心一样。
边缘裂缝通常是由于长时间暴露于高温下造成的 — 这在马来西亚并不罕见,因为阳光加热了玻璃周围的金属和材料。
玻璃表面坑洞 (Surface Pit)
Let’s check how bad the damage to your car’s windshield is. If it’s just a small crack or chip, you might still be able to drive with it, but it’s best to fix it soon at a glass shop with price as low as RM80. But if the windshield is really cracked or broken, you need to replace it right away. Don’t worry, our experts will check it for you and tell you what to do.
For minor damage such as small cracks, repairs can be done using the resin injection method. This process involves injecting a special resin into the crack or fracture, then curing it with ultraviolet light. Repairs using this method can restore the glass strength to up to 90% and prevent further damage.”
If a trained technician assesses that the windshield crack can be repaired, they will prepare the area around the damage for repair. This includes protecting the car bonnet and cleaning glass fragments around the cracked area of the windshield.
First, a Vacuum Pump is used to remove air from the crack in the glass. Then, a Clear Adhesive is used to fill the crack. This adhesive is cured under UV light. After repair, the windshield will have about 90-95% of its original strength.
Although minor repairs can be done, there are some conditions that require you to completely replace the windshield, namely;
- Too long or wide cracks: Cracks that extend over a large area can obstruct visibility and are difficult to repair.
- Too many chips: If there are too many small chips, repairs will not be effective and can cause further damage.
- Severe damage to the coating layer: Damage to the coating layer can cause distortion in vision and reduce visibility.
专业的挡风玻璃修复工具和来自Ultra-Bond Inc的高强度修复液
挡风玻璃修复 对比图
How to take care of your windscreen
Car windows should be cleaned regularly to ensure they are always clear and free of dirt such as dust, grime, and fingerprints. Use a soft microfiber cloth and a little water to clean the windows. Make sure the cloth used is clean and does not contain any substances that could damage the car windows.
- Avoid using unsuitable chemicals such as harsh or highly alkaline cleaners as they can damage the glass surface. Use a suitable car window cleaner and ensure it does not contain any substances that can damage the glass.
- Store your vehicle in a safe place that is protected from extreme weather conditions. Prolonged exposure to the elements can damage the surface of the car’s windshield.
- By following the easy tips and guides above, you can properly service and repair your car windshield. Make sure to always maintain your windshield in good condition so that it functions properly and provides a clear view while driving. Please contact us, 维信玻璃, if you need any assistance with windshield repair and maintenance.
- Avoid driving too closely behind the vehicle in front that`s mean keeping a safe distance from the car in front of you. Why? Because when the vehicle in front of you drives over rough or rocky roads, small debris can be kicked up and hit your windshield. A safe distance will minimize the risk of your windshield being hit by these particles.
- Regular cleaning of your windshield is crucial for maintaining clear visibility while driving. Use a dedicated glass cleaner and a soft microfiber cloth to clean your windshield. Avoid using abrasive materials like newspaper or rough cloths, as they can scratch the glass.
- Regularly checking your windshield for any signs of damage will help you detect problems early. The sooner you find a crack or chip, the easier and cheaper it will be to repair. If left unattended, damage can worsen and require more expensive repairs.
Windshield care and repair are crucial for maintaining driving safety and comfort. By understanding the types of damage, repair processes, and maintenance tips, you can keep your vehicle’s windshield in optimal condition. If you want to get service with us, please press the button below to contact us.