
Windscreen damage is a very common occurrence in the millions of cars in Malaysia.

As a result there are thousands of windscreen damage insurance claims filed every year.

But what happens if you don’t have windscreen insurance on your vehicle and you run into such damage?

Maybe the thought of doing the repair yourself has crossed your mind. Maybe you are seriously considering it.

However, there’s an important question to consider — how safe is DIY windscreen replacement?

Before we provide a straight answer to this question, lets first consider your options.

You could either choose to let a professional windscreen repair and replacement company to fix your damage, or to do the windscreen replacement yourself

In this article, let’s compare these two options and then discuss the methods of safely replacing a car’s windscreen.

Is DIY car windscreen replacement a good idea?

The simple answer to this question is – it depends.

It depends on the person doing the replacement. It depends on which materials they have chosen and the technique they use to complete the job.

This results in too many variables and for this reason we advise against DIY windscreen replacement.

This is due to key factors:


Safety is a vital factor to consider if you opt for DIY windscreen replacement.

When installed correctly the windscreen adds structural strength to the chassis covering what would otherwise be an open space at the front of the car.

For this reason the windscreen plays an important role if and when the vehicle is involved in a high impact accident.

Therefore a correctly fitted windscreen which is the right type for the vehicle is important for the safety of the driver, passengers and other road users.

It can be quite difficult for an untrained installer to realise they have not securely fitted the windscreen. It may appear to be sitting okay and glued in with the adhesive.

But if not done correctly this can have adverse effects in an accident and as such you are putting yourself and anyone who travels in the vehicle at risk.

On the other hand, when choosing a professional windscreen replacement company you leverage their skill and years of experience in this type of job.

The time frame needed to complete a car windscreen replacement

DIY windscreen repair or replacement can often take than you may think.

First you want to do the job to the best of your ability so this means research.

Researching the products to buy and where to source them from.

Also when doing the job you will be working with high grade adhesive which you only get one shot at, so you need to take your time to plan the job right.

On the other hand you can choose a professional to complete the work for you. In this case all you need to research is which company to do the replacement.

Professional companies who provide car windscreen replacement services can complete windscreen replacements in about 1 hour!

Step-by-step guide on how to replace a car windscreen safely

Step 1: Remove all broken glass from your car with care

If you have excessive broken glass from a shattered window, you need to clean it up before anything else.

Carefully remove the leftover broken glass from your car with a vacuum cleaner and ensure your interior isn’t scratched or damaged in the process.

Step 2: Carefully remove your existing damaged windscreen

There are tons of modern repair tools you can use to remove your windscreen safely without damaging any of your interior or exterior components.

Step 3: Remove your existing glass rubber seals and replace them

Removing the existing rubber seals and replacing them with brand new ones ensure your new windscreen is fitted properly without any future leaks.

Step 4: Apply a high quality glue on the new windscreen

Glue needs to be applied on new windscreen replacements to prevent any future leaks and to have an excellent bond between your car windscreen and your car.

Step 5: Carefully install the new windscreen

Ensure your new windscreen is fitted perfectly on your car. 

Looking for windscreen replacement service? Choose the provider you can trust – choose Windscreen2U

维信玻璃 是马来西亚领先的汽车安全玻璃维修和更换公司,是马来西亚其中最早提供上门 windscreen replacement services in Malaysia!

我们与一系列马来西亚领先的 汽车保险公司 合作,为各个行业的客户提供服务。

Contact us today at +6012-226 3776, 1700-81-1022 or email windscreen2u@gmail.com 联系我们,预约挡风玻璃维修服务!

